Colin Topliffe

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Studying Abroad and Mental Health

I originally wrote this blog for Education in Ireland back in Jan 2019 but I wanted to post it on here for easier access to everyone.
- Colin

So, I decided that I wanted to tackle an important issue and something that isn’t the first thing you think about when you’re making the decision to study abroad, mental health.

Now before I talk drive into this subject, I want to give a little bit of a background of me and my experience with mental health. Like most students, I’ve I had a point where my mental health declined, and I ended up in a dangerous place mentally. So, I have some idea what it’s like being depressed and having bad anxiety, but mental health affects everyone differently. I’m personally in a lot better of a place and I’ve always been a strong advocate for mental health. I’m even certified as a Mental Health First Aider with the Mental Health Commission of Canada. I’m not a profession in this field but I wanted to give some insight into myself before I talk about this subject, so let’s get into it! Before we get into it though here is a nice calming picture!

When you talk about studying abroad, the one thing that really didn’t come up was mental health, at least not directly. That’s why I decided to write about this topic. This by no means is meant to scare you but to help prepare you for the challenges you might have to face if you make the decision to come to study abroad.

One of the main things you must prepare yourself for is leaving your support system behind. It’s not easy knowing your friends and family are going to be far from you. This first really hit me when I told my best friend Mariah about the decision to come to school in Ireland. It was a happy moment but the first thing she brought up was that it was going to be tough not being able hangout for so long. That reality was something I just had to prepare myself for. It isn’t easy but it’s something you can get used to.

Another thing that I wasn’t easy on the mental health is knowing that life is continuing back home without you. Now I don’t mean that your friends and family are forgetting about you, but it can feel upsetting when you miss something back home. I was keeping my mental health in check for most of the first semester but I my depression sparked up when my first nephew was born. Now I know what you might be thinking, “Colin, that’s a good thing, why are you upset about it?”. I was so happy then he was born but the depression rolled in when it clicked that I was missing this amazing event with my family. It took a bit to get back into things, but the key is to just keep going. Most likely you’re making the decision to come to Ireland to further yourself and your education, it helps to ground yourself in that fact.

Alright so I’ve mentioned some things that you’ll have to think about but let’s get into some ways to help manage your mental health.

Do something you love!

This might be a no brainer but whenever I’m feeling upset, I get up, grab my camera and head out. Sometimes I have no goal in sight but at least I’m out taking photos and enjoying it. For me every time I hit that shutter button, I feel at peace and it really grounds me and keeps my mind off things.

Don’t just lay in bed.

It’s easy to just lay in bed and sometimes that’s what you need, but it’s not good for your mental health to just lay there and get lost in negative thoughts. I find whenever I’m just laying down for too long, I start to overthink things. So, I go hangout with friends, do something you love, go for a walk, or anything to get me up and moving. Experts say that exercise helps combat mental health issues so even just going to a simple walk will help you feel a bit better.

Find your happy place.

When I first got to Sligo, one of the first things I did was look for a place that helped me feel at peace. By my house is a forest called Hazelwood and it’s one of my favourite places. Many because you’re surrounded by nature, there are great spots for photography, and it’s just very peaceful. Everyone who goes there is there for the same thing, to find that peace and quiet. For me Hazelwood is a great place to just escape everything and get lost in nature.

Find something new!

One of my favourite things is finding something new that excites me. Well in Ireland I started picking up baking. At the time of writing this I haven’t baked much but I’ve really started to enjoy that process of it. Also, I get to eat the baked goods after which is also one of the better things! When I’m feeling upset or bored, I can turn to baking to keep me level headed and distracted.

Travel and see the world!

One of the best things about studying in Ireland is just how close to everything in Europe you are! Traveling is cheap here so go explore new places! The second I finished my exams I jumped on a plane and explored Amsterdam. I also spent my birthday in Barcelona touring the city and enjoying the warmth. If you’re feeling down and have the time, book a trip somewhere. That way you have something to work towards and look forward to! It helps to know that you’re going to be somewhere new and exciting in a few weeks.

The most important thing is to never forget that you’re doing this for you and no matter what you’re going to look back on this experience with a smile on your face.